About Chiropractic

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What is Chiropractic?


Chiropractic is a method of natural health care that stresses natural methods of healing, without the use of drugs or surgery, and which puts special emphasis on the crucial role that the nervous system and spine play in the health of the body and all its issues. Chiropractic treatment focuses on unblocking nerve pathways that frequently cause pain and ill health...and designing a total program to return you to maximal health.

We were born with the blessing of a body capable of healing itself. It does this through its mediation and control of the nervous system. The job of the Chiropractor is simply to optimize the function of the nervous system, by means of the Chiropractic adjustment, and help the body to fulfill the purpose for which it was intended.

It’s rarely a lack of drugs or surgeries that makes us unhealthy. Rather it’s our learned dependence on a system of health care that really has nothing to do with health. A system that addresses Sickness rather than Wellness, and that prides itself on "early diagnosis" as opposed to prevention, in spite of all of their pretense to the contrary. We are taught by inference to wait for disease to develop because we have the means to treat most of them. This is the philosophy that has placed us at the bottom of the World Health Organizations health index of industrialized nations. *** It is a philosophy that epitomizes madness.

Chiropractic does not claim to treat back, neck or headache pain. Nor do we treat asthma, ear infections, allergies or P.M.S. These are claims thrust upon us by a population crying for relief from these symptoms. We do not practice medicine, nor do we promote the use of drugs or surgeries.

We were born with the blessing of a body capable of healing itself. It does this through its mediation and control of the nervous system. The job of the Chiropractor is simply to optimize the function of the nervous system, by means of the Chiropractic adjustment, and help the body to fulfill the purpose for which it was intended.



Rusoff Chiropractic Center Offers a complimentary, no-cost consultation for anyone who wants to find out if Chiropractic can help them. If you or anyone you know is suffering and may need a chiropractor, call us today for a free, no risk - no obligation consultation.

"Do it for the Quality of Your Life"


 :: An Elegantly Simple Concept ::
The body is a self-healing structure fully capable of healing itself of nearly any symptom or disease. It does this on a continuing and timely basis through the mediation and control of the nervous system.

The job of the Chiropractor is simply to optimize the function of the nervous system, by means of the Chiropractic adjustment, and help the body to fulfill the purpose for which it was intended.